You're annoyed by his attention

♪ The most obvious thing that would tell you that your feelings have faded is the constant irritation ♪. Your seemingly beloved boyfriend presses you into his arms, and you're angry – you think about how quickly he would have let you go. Or maybe you're out with your girlfriends and you see a message from him. And at this point, you also feel a prick of sudden irritation. Keep an eye on your relationship – if you find a few of these moments, you're definitely having a crisis in your relationship right now after all.

He's no longer attracted to you sexually

If before you couldn't contain your emotions because sex with him was incredibly pleasurable, passionate and high, but lately things have become kind of sluggish. You might even have faked it in bed, so as not to hurt your boyfriend, because he doesn't know that your feelings have already changed. If the prospect of having sex with your boyfriend scares you, or if you're looking for lots of different excuses to postpone this moment, then it's worth thinking about.

Moments of intimacy have become routine for you

Morning kisses, cuddles, sex, intimacy on dates have become routine for you? You put up with it all or partly more and do it on automatic, just because it has always been so and somehow it would be wrong to refuse? But at the same time you often catch yourself thinking that you don't want a kiss from him, sex is boring, and on a date you don't have to sit so close to you. If anything, it's a sure sign that you've fallen out of love with your boyfriend.

You start fighting more often

Your annoyance at his actions can't hide behind a strained smile forever. There you go, attacking him for no (for a guy) understandable reason. Every little thing pisses you off, and you start a fight or a scandal. We don't say that those who are happy in a relationship and love each other never fight. They're just different than if one partner in the couple has fallen out of love.

You look at the guys around you more often

# You're bored and you're sad and you want someone to hold and cuddle #. Anybody but your current boyfriend, because he's only annoying to be around. So it turns out that at some point you start fantasizing about other guys more and more, looking at them in the street or even flirting. Getting to know each other, going out and hiding your new passions from the guy. If this has already happened, if you do not see a common future with him and you are more interested in communicating with other boys – then it's time to put an end to this relationship.

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