Hi guys, I've been a bit absent I know: I'm finishing the last things for the Group Online Coaching, both the technical aspects and especially the organization of content.

In a couple of days I will tell you and the date and I will give you the link to the page to which to subscribe.

I remember that it is free and open to all!!!

But let's go on..

Alessandro's success story

Here is the first of the success story I would like you to read…

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Hi Reborn,

My name is Alessandro and I have been following you for some time; I have also purchased IMMEDIATE ATTRACTION and AUDIO RECORDING.

In this mail I would like to write you of the impressions that I had in the last vacation that I made. (Milano Marittima, one week).

I state that I am not a "discotheque" and therefore I went there driven by the desire to meet women especially at the beach or local pub type (to tell the truth I have also known in disco). I left with two of my friends, all three with the desire to know girls and predisposed, who one way and who in the other to approach.

Without making you a super mega email I want to summarize in key points my impressions so that you waste less time as possible.

We have approached German, Austrian and Dutch girls in a semi-direct and indirect way. We just managed to chat a bit (I know English), but then they all started giggling and saying "Italian Latin Lover" in a not so nice tone. This thing has made us a little 'rosicare.

My friend managed to kiss a German girl in a disco but that's it. In conclusion I want to ask you if the impression I had is close to some of your experiences or our case apart.

I had a full relationship with a Russian girl I met on the beach. I approached while she was sunbathing on the sunbed, the steps followed as you have always explained. The next day I called her to have something to eat together; the first night we stayed in the room but she said it was too early for a full relationship, so we worked it out the next day and it was beautiful.

Then I wanted to ask you. But how come 1 girl out of 3 that I know is a virgin (really)? I am not a pedophile… they are over 20 years old (and I am 25). And they are beautiful girls too. I would like to know your opinion. Randomness?

In conclusion I would like to tell you that the last experiences have given me a lot of confidence in myself, and I feel that I could give a lot more.

These days of vacation I'm following your advice: approach girls on the street and in places like supermarket and malls, logically in daylight hours.

I've noticed that it's easier during the day, while in the evening everyone seems a little prepared for approaches and somewhat predisposed to testing.

I believe that every man who is in this world desires to be able to move towards women without fear and awe, being able to play all his masculine energy in the best way he believes. Seduction makes you want to live.

Thank you for the space and have a nice day.

A greeting


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Some points:

  • It happens that some girls giggle during the approaches, in the end are funny situations, also you can try some embarrassment on the part of both, embarrassment that is "downloaded" by laughing… there is no need to take it
  • Alessandro notices that many girls he hits on, even if they are of age, are virgins. It may be a coincidence, but it may also be that.. he inspires particular confidence and therefore "attract" more girls who have yet to gain experience
  • Yes In the daytime women have fewer "barriers" raised, they don't expect it and therefore many times you find less initial resistance, on the other hand, some women go out at night just to be approached, and here the situation as you can imagine is even easier than during the day, so ultimately it depends a lot on who you find

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