Have you ever picked up a men's magazine, such as Men's Health, or a women's magazine, such as… for example… and what the heck do I know about women's magazines?!?!

Here's the thing: you only have to look at the cover to read in big letters "Sculpted abs in 4 weeks"(for boys) or "Lose 10 kg in 2 weeks with the banana/yoghurt/pear/chocolate/strawberry etc diet. etc." for sissies .

These covers have a purpose, that of selling, and to sell you have to satisfy people's needs.

What needs are being met with these types of covers?

The need to improve the quality of one's life, specifically one's self-image, effortlessly and in a short time.


  • without effort
  • in a short time

This is what people want, what we have been accustomed to, what most people are looking for.

People are looking for the "magic pill", the quick and painless solution. Terms like "slow and steady improvement" are out of fashion .

And they are so unfashionable, so perceived as negative, that advertisements march on them: "Don't waste time with useless diets, take this pill!" "Don't sweat and strain in the gym, take this pill!".

And luckily we are not in the United States, where the magic pill mentality has invaded even psychology: "Don't process your pain and get over it…take this antidepressant!", "Your child is always hyperactive? Don't deny him the television, give him some sedatives!"

Some people might say that by writing this kind of article I'm shooting myself in the foot. I would rather shut up and create a product that promises change without any commitment.

"Improve as a man? Why tire yourself out?! Discover the magic phrases to conquer and subliminal techniques to seduce ANY WOMAN"

According to this reasoning, alongside a Training Manual Immediate attraction is suicide! Many people may think "Training?!? It means I have to practice?!?!? No no don't do it for me, wait I'm looking for some easy tricks to seduce"

That's the mentality, and there's no getting away from it, but I honestly don't care: at least I'm sure that those who chose Instant Attraction know what they're buying.

But back to the main point…

The mentality of "everything and immediately with ease"is present everywhere?

No, there are fields where we know that there are no magic pills and others in which we are always looking for.

For example we know well that there is a need for constant practice for:

  • sport
  • work
  • many hobbies

But instead we are always looking for the magic solution to:

  • diets
  • muscle mass
  • the "easy money" (see lotteries and the like)

So, let me tell you something that I suggest you write down and put somewhere where you can see her often:

Small and simple steps taken consistently bring exceptional results

I know, I know… we're not used to thinking this way, we're not used to setting long-term goals and enjoying the small results slowly, but for a lot of things it works exactly like this.

Note that I said "for many", not for all, there are events or techniques that make you make sudden changes, but these must be coupled with a constant growth.

For example, if I go out with a person who has never cold approached and thinks he can't do it, after the first few approaches I make him do it in his mind a drastic shift will occur. The belief "I can't approach a woman," will be replaced by "I can approach a woman".

It's quite a change, a completely different worldview.

This means that now it has finished growing in the seductive field? Absolutely not, he has so much more to learn, that's why I say that radical changes happen but they need to be accompanied by constant growth.

Want another example? I wrote an article titled "Become more beautiful in 10 seconds: the 6 things to change in your body language". Changing from a closed body language to an open one is a drastic change and brings different feedback from women right away, but it's not the only thing to improve, it needs to be followed by more.

This applies to the whole process of seductive improvement, in which you realize, or will realize, that you will have drastic changes in a very short time followed by long phases in which you feel like you are not getting better: it's normal, don't get discouraged.

In reality you are changing, but you don't realize it, things are changing in you that are hardly noticeable. The important thing is not to stop, as they say: "Rome was not built in a day".

On the other hand, there is also another wrong mindset, because the opposite is also wrong. There are those who think that personal change can happen only with years of practice.

This is not true, in the last decades we have witnessed Coaching modalities that are increasingly performing, fast and effective.

As far as this site is concerned, you can see two pretty fast tracks.

The first one is about overcoming shyness and takes a man from being shy to being a normal person (although I don't like the term "normal"). It 'an Ebook that requires commitment but the results can be seen in a short time, the Ebook is "Win the shyness in 30 days".

There is also another path, this time of 60 days, which is designed for a man of "normal confidence", to increase confidence and self-assurance. In 60 days with the Ebook "Confident in yourself in 60 days" you can see radical changes.

In any case, these sudden changes, as we said, should be accompanied by a steady improvement. And yes, you need commitment.

Nice fact: if the concept of "progressive improvement" is valid for the process of seduction improvement, it is not valid for seduction itself!

Most men think that it takes a long time to seduce a woman, in reality, those who have read Instant Attraction have realized the very short time that can have the growth of attraction.

But let's get down to practicalities, otherwise tomorrow you'll be running out to buy "Slim down in 20 seconds" pills. :-).

Set yourself a goal, whatever it may be, as long as it is of long term: months or years.

Now decide on an action to take, some small thing that you will do with constancy to reach your goal. Don't just decide that you're going to do it, define it when e such as you will do.


Small, simple steps taken consistently lead to exceptional results

This is how you acquire the right mentality, mentality that you need in the improvement of seduction and your whole self.

If you want something more specific I can tell you what I do, although maybe I'm a little exaggerated : I'm always learning a few things, besides seduction I mean, I'm always learning things that are also very different from each other.

First: I am curious by nature and therefore I like to learn.

Second, learning always reminds me of the ways and times of the learning process.

It's not always easy, but grow in every moment.

And sometimes it is necessary to let go of pride in order to learn, admitting you are not capable is the first step to take.

I don't know how to do a billion things… and you?


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