What is theinner game?

In two words, simplifying the concept, the inner game is everything you have inside: the image you have of yourself and of the world, so your beliefs and your values.

Your inner game determines how you behave, how you act in the world, and is particularly important in seduction.

For example, if a man has self-esteem, your body language and attitudes they will bring out this thing, and will result more attractive.

With a little experience you can tell if a guy has a good self-image simply by looking at how he walks, looking at his gait.

What one is always emerges, especially when we talk about seduction, since women perceive very well the signals that are sent. Women read you inside and understand a lot about you even before you open your mouth.

So: your inner game influences your attitudes but the opposite is also true.

Your attitudes affect the inner game, and many techniques on this site have this very purpose.

Let's say, for example, that you are not very sure of yourself.

Using the techniques described in the site start letting go of certain internal blocks that prevented you from expressing yourself freely, but not only that!

It also happens that using the techniques you receive feedback (responses, feedback) positive, then your brain unconsciously says to itself "Man, if I behave this way I have better results, then to maintain these attitudes I must change internally". , and so begins the naturalization of what I explain.

It may sound complex, but it actually happens every day. Every day our external actions influence our inner game.

At first you were afraid to ride your bike so you wouldn't fall off, then you got on and felt more confident. Not only have you felt, you have become more confident.

And you didn't just become more confident about the bike, but about a lot of other things, because your comfort zone has expanded, you've overcome an obstacle and your self-image has improved.

For this reason many men who have faced many challenges are attractive, because every time they have achieved a goal Their self-esteem is increased, self-esteem that they express in everything they do.

But a good inner game is enough to seduce a woman?

Ciccio he writes in a comment:

[…] I often hear people say "IF you have the right mindset, THEN you will be able to seduce any girl INSTANTLY" do you think it is true ? […]

Firstly: no one can seduce every girl, and those who say that are usually trying to sell you something. But a sentence like that can also be said for another reason: to motivate you. In this case, however, you will have to be very careful not to give false hope.

Secondly it is true: the inner game (that you call "mental attitudes") is the most important part of seduction, but at the same time having some knowledge of how to move in practice is very useful.

In addition, acting directly on the inner game is not easy, so it is preferred to act "externally" to influence it, as explained above.

If you notice, in the blog I explain both how you should be/feel (ex. imperturbable) and how to act in practice to be so (ex. How not to react to the tests of a woman).

In this way I explain the concept, and explain how to apply it; I point the direction and show the way.

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