Bet your heart sinks when a guy affectionately calls you sweetheart, darling, baby girl. We want to surprise you! In fact, you can tell by the nicknames your boyfriend gives you how he really feels about you. You're ready to find out what's in his words? Then remember what your lover calls you most often and read the characterization.

"Sweetheart, sweetheart, darling."

If your boyfriend calls you "beloved, sweetheart or native," it means that he has deep feelings for you and seeks to show his love and tenderness in this way. ♪ A guy like that needs care, tenderness, and affection ♪. Because he wants to feel loved, too.

"My little one, baby."

This kind of address shows that your lover wants to take care of you. There are three kinds of relationships: parent-adult-child. If the "baby" kind of communication isn't exactly about your boyfriend, then you're in luck, because the baby is you! 🙂 And in the treatment of "my little one" is the desire to protect and cherish you as a fragile baby. But if you don't like being called that, and for some reason your boyfriend keeps enforcing the term, it may already be indicative of his desire to dominate your relationship. No, it's not Christian Grey, you perv!

"Sunshine, miracle, happiness, joy"

And these nicknames are a symbolic expression of your relationship to your partner. For example, if your lover calls you "my sunshine," it means that you light up his life, he is warm and comfortable around you. And if you're a walking "miracle", it's because you're unique and never cease to amaze him! It's the same with joy and happiness. If he calls you that, you evoke those emotions in him. In other words, he loves you, girlfriend 😉

"Pussycat, bunnycat, fishycat."

If a guy calls you a hamster it doesn't mean that you have to lose weight. This kind of attitude just shows the tenderness he feels for you. Provided, of course, that you do not have anything against hens, kittens and other little brothers of our species. But there are times when you don't like the whole "zoo."! Then tell your lover directly. ♪ We're sure he'll come up with something even better ♪. We knew a girl whose boyfriend called her a spider 😉

"Sweetie, sweetie, sweetie, sweetie."

He calls you sweetie candy and other yummy names? A guy who calls his girlfriend by these affectionate nicknames is primarily thinking about the domestic aspect of your relationship. Your lover is convinced that it's important that his girlfriend is a housewife. Guys like this think girls should cook, clean, and wash his socks. Or maybe you just seem very sweet to him? Then watch out that you don't seem too cloying to him! 😉

"Fool, bitch, sassy."

Yes, it happens. Some couples have an unspoken principle: the worse, the better. On the outside it may seem that the couple are fighting, but in fact it is a mutual tacit agreement, a kind of personal code. You can call him a jerk and he can call you a fool, and then walk off into the sunset hand in hand. It shows you're on the same page. But if you don't like it when he calls you all sorts of rude names, make sure you tell him that! Perhaps you have not yet reached this level of understanding, or you just do not fit this type of communication.

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