Response: You have to start from the inside. First of all, you have to think about what you don't like about your appearance, and most importantly, why. Believe me, no girl on earth likes her looks 100% (except in some unique cases). This is normal, it's natural, it helps us to grow and improve. And most imaginary flaws are easy to correct: try a different eyebrow shape, style your hair differently, get new makeup, pump your abs, or start eating right to make your skin look better. The only problem is that it can become an endless process of "reinventing" yourself. In fact, all the most beautiful women in the world are far from the standard of beauty. It's their flaws that make them unique. Another good way to love yourself is to learn how to do something well. Do something you are passionate about and become a master at it. It's very important to realize your value and uniqueness as a person. By the way, I strongly advise you to take up sports. This is also very helpful – and love yourself, and improve physical fitness.