L'NEW YEAR is just around the corner and the Christmas Is coming..
The three Remagi Are following the comet star..
Gasparre: "Guys, it's New Year's soon, okay now we have to do something cool and go greet the coming of the Kings of Kings, but then what do we do?"
Melchiorre: Gasparre: "Gasparre, what are you thinking about?? Now let's think about our task, otherwise the crib comes out wrong! Already this year with this bogeyman of the crisis these have saved up. Look at these: they look like sheep?! Have a giant sign that says "Made in China". Not to mention the comet star, it looks like a Lady Gaga eyebrow. Come on come on let's think about our task that everything is going downhill here."
Balthazar: "Lady chi's eyebrow!?!?!"
Melchiorre: "Ah forget it, it'll come in 2000 years!"
Balthazar: "Ok, anyway Gasparre is right, what proactive you have for the new year?"
Gasparre: "Look, I absolutely have to lose weight, I'm getting fatter and fatter because of the Christmas dinners. Next year I'll lose weight for sure"
Baldassarre: "I want to find myself a classy woman, with the excuse that we're always on the road if I improve in seduction I could make sparks in every village we find"
Melchior: "Maybe you're right, you need to give yourself goals for the new year. Next year I want to make more money, so I'll buy these guys a nativity scene, and in 12 months we'll show up at the Bambino in a Ferrari."
The new year is upon us, and you're ready for it? You already have good intentions? How nice, you know what to do with your resolutions?
Flush them down the toilet.
Yes because it's time to stop fooling ourselves all: how many people have good New Year's resolutions? Lots.
And how many implement these good intentions and achieve their goals? Very few!!!
New Year's resolutions are very nice to make, while we make them we dream them, we feel good. But a good resolution is like a straw fire, immediately creates energy but after a while it's just ashes.
And every year the same story! People dream for the new year and then nothing at all. It's happened to me in the past, and to you?
Well, it's time to end it!!!
So, what do you need to achieve what you want in the new year?
First of all you need a Way to plan goals correctly. Most people plan their goals in the wrong way.
Second you need know what the most common mistakes are that people do in this field. So you'll know how to avoid them.
Third, you need a way to be motivated throughout the year and avoid continually postponing action.
Because postponing, procrastinating, is like masturbating, at first it seems pleasant but in the end you're just screwing yourself.
With this in hand you will be able to achieve your goals in the new year whatever they may be.
That's why we created the AudioTraining "Achieve your goals in the new year" .
It consists of a 50-minute Audio + a Workbook, all downloadable in seconds.
It is therefore audio plus one short guide which is useful for to fix the main concepts but above all to Plan properly and work on your goals.
Click here to see the Christmas Offers and AudioTraining!