I ended up by chance on yahoo answer, on a page where a person claimed that seduction was innate, claimed that or a person is born with the ability to be very good with women or can not learn to be so.
Obviously I am in complete disagreement.
If seduction were innate, it would mean that every man, in his genetic heritage, has the ability to conquer a woman or the inability to do so, or knows how to generate attraction or not, or in short is capable of seduction or not and can do nothing to learn it.
These are two extremes, of course, but in general the concept is this.
But do you really believe that your love life or sex life depends 100% on your genes? Seriously? It would mean that you can't do anything to change her!
It would mean that If you're born a loser, then you'll be without a woman your whole life!!! Isn't this thought horrible?
Yes it is, and luckily it's also false.
This in fact is a load of crap, and I'll explain why right away: you've learned how to walk right? In the genes you had a chance to do it, but you had to fall down several times before you could stand upright. The learning in this case was unconscious.
You also learned to drive, it probably took a lot of driving to get it right but now you can do it without even thinking about it. This has been a learning conscious, because at your side there was a person who told you how to do it, i.e. he told you to follow certain rules ("lower the clutch to change" "start in first gear" etc.). etc.).
The same goes for seduction, many have learned it subconsciously, but those who haven't can learn it consciously.
There are people who grew up and learned it, or rather they learned a series of attitudes and mentalities that turned out to be seductive. They were certainly not aware of what was happening, they didn't realize that they were actually learning how to seduce, nobody explained them the laws to do it, but they did it.
Maybe they had a very confident father and they absorbed his confidence, or maybe they lived with a series of younger sisters and kept them while their parents were out, thus acquiring the ability to lovingly guide a woman… but this is just psychology that I don't want to go into, there can be thousands of factors.
On the other hand, you, like anyone else, can learn to seduce in a conscious way, that is, knowing the basic rules and mechanisms, just as you learned to ride in a car.
At first you sucked a little like everyone else, but now you succeed without even thinking about it. You just need the right information that allow you to understand where you're wrong, and the instructions to act correctly.
In other words, men who have learned in an unconscious way to seduce have made a series of experiences who have trained them, you, learning seduction, will make a series of experiences that will form you.
In this way the practical actions that you will do will improve the vision you have of yourself and the "how you feel" (your inner game) and the consequence will be a slight improvement in your seductive skills.
This is learn seduction, and now you can finally do it.