In this article I talk about something for me fundamental in seduction as in life in general: the dynamic skills.

Don't be frightened by the big word, for dynamic skills I mean a very simple concept, a concept that if combined and united with other concepts that by now we should have well understood and acquired, really becomes the so-called "extra gear".

But first, let's do a roundup of these fundamental concepts that we must have inherent in us, "repetita juvant", and that must become part of ourselves in a very natural way, so with a lot of practice

  • body language, verbal and paraverbal
  • concept of male energy and concept of real man
  • positive dominance
  • assertiveness
  • imperturbability
  • positivity
  • direction
  • initiative and responsibility

Those who do not know the meaning of all this, but especially those who have not incorporated the concepts are kindly requested to take a further look at the ebook Instant Attraction :-).

So far ?! Very well.. no, that's not it at all! Go back and study more about the concepts I want you to be prepared :-).

Dynamic skills

Well, having said that, let's move on to the "main" topic of this article: dynamic skills.

We can safely say that a man who has a thousand passions and a thousand interests like a woman, because he proves to be a positive person, who takes initiative, thirsty to know, to do, to say… in short, one who certainly does not make the woman he has by his side bored.

However, be careful not to exaggerate otherwise you risk the opposite effect, you can not neglect your woman for your interests, and you can not be long-winded always talking about them, "virtue is in the middle" and "every excess is a flaw" should be our motto in this regard.

But there is a difference in having passions and knowing how to do them well?

I may have a passion for singing because I love it so much, but if when I'm singing in public I'm pitiful and can't be heard, then how about this!?

In these cases two things can happen: either we are people who realize their limitations and then obviously do not perform, or do not realize their limitations, perform, and make terrible figures.

The effects are consequently two: in the first case I had the good sense not to perform, but I did not express my passion, I did not express a part of me, I did not give a tangible sign to others and useful for seduction, result: nothing, absolutely nothing, I remained seated as one of many.

In the second case I can joke about it, I can make self-irony, I don't give a shit about the result and I'm going for it!

This is absolutely sacrosanct and right as a spirit of initiative and desire to have fun, but I firmly believe that it can be a double-edged sword: a girl can react by joking and laughing and maybe even gain points, but instead she might also think "but this one is stupid"? It just makes me ashamed in that way.".

So it's all about "how you do things", your body language, your verbal and your paraverbal: I can be more attractive if I'm as tone-deaf as a bell than if I'm a professional singer, it all depends on how we do things.

But since we know how to behave very well with all types of language we don't have these problems no!?

We just have to learn to "sing" because not only will the girl in question be fascinated by your voice, but she will also be conditioned by the social context that applauds you.

She will also be conditioned by the fact that other girls come to compliment you and speak well of you (a kind of pre-selection if you will), she will be attracted to you both consciously and unconsciously.

Singing was just one example but I could make three thousand: cooking, dancing, drawing, painting, sports and so on.

This is what I mean by dynamic abilities: the concept of having yes many passions and many interests, but to know how to do them well!

So dispassionate advice: passions yes, many, but at least two or three know how to do them properly . . you have no idea how useful they can be even in seduction :-).

A hug,


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