On the one hand, thankfully, of course, we don't have to keep an accounting of every cell or, say, keep a vigilant eye on the growth of the hair on our heads, ensuring a timely supply of protein to each hair. Then there wouldn't be time for coffee either! But sometimes this autonomy of our bodies is very irritating. Say, when you're a little in love.

You, for example, want to be decisive and elegant, but your body for some reason thinks that on a date should be stupid and covered with expressive red spots around the neckline. Or even worse: you kiss the best guy in the world – and all you feel is that he recently chewed mint gum.

As we remember from biology class, our feelings are governed by the central nervous system. And it has so many sensors that no intelligence agency in the world has ever dreamed of! And all this information equipment constantly sends signals to the main headquarters – the brain.

Some of this information you are allowed to process on your own – with the help of willed effort or, say, a good upbringing. But the main part of the self-determined body disposes of its own discretion, and here he comes to the aid of hormones – substances that regulate and adjust the work of its tissues.


This hormone is both responsible for reducing pain and for increasing the rate at which pleasant feelings are transmitted. It is thanks to serotonin that the most passionate hugs and the most vigorous sex do not seem painful to lovers, even if they result in minor injuries to the skin and mucous membranes.

When we look at the object of our tender feelings, we begin to produce this serotonin in increased amounts. And all's well and good, but alas! – The sneaky hormone, among other things, also increases smooth muscle peristalsis. Because of this feeling of nausea, abdominal pain or generally an upset stomach is very common on exciting dates. Thank you, dear nature, that was very helpful!


Kesha is good in every way – he is kind, handsome, smart, rich, and not indifferent to you. And Lesh is crooked, red-necked, and generally heartbreaking to the extreme. So why do you want to yawn when you see beautiful Kesha, but ridiculous Lesha makes you want to hold him close to your heart and stroke his head like a puppy??

Possible answer: "It's all about pheromones.". These volatile, odorless compounds are secreted by all of us. And in some cases, one person's pheromones can have an incredible attraction to a particular person of the opposite sex.

It is known that some animals, such as insects, can only reproduce under the influence of pheromones. Their role in human reproduction has not yet been well studied.

That does not prevent manufacturers now in full force to sell bottles with modern love potion – "synthetic broad-spectrum pheromones," the effectiveness of which at least very, very questionable.


If oxytocin is the hormone of love, progesterone is the hormone of indifference. When it increases, a woman's interest in reproduction almost disappears. It is produced by the ovaries and is involved in the regulation of the monthly cycle, as well as in the mechanism of conception, pregnancy and lactation.

Its level in our blood varies with our monthly cycle, and the least of it is produced between the 1st and 14th day from the start of our period – these are the days when we find it easiest to get excited and lose control of our feelings.


This sweetest hormone is produced in the pituitary gland, and you can tell by the following symptoms: the birds are singing, the grass is green, and all the boys around are so cute that you just can't refuse them anything!

An excess of endorphin gives rise to unrestrained joy, so it is often called the happiness hormone. And, by the way, there are ways to increase its concentration by various chemical means.

Unfortunately, such gross interference in biological processes does not go unpunished – chemical stimulation of the hormone production leads to a violation of its natural production. Therefore, citizens who are addicted to artificial "endorphinization" will have long periods of depression and awareness of the meaninglessness of life. But no one's stopping us from producing a lot of endorphin naturally, and it's easy to get. Caresses, hugs and kisses kick-start our endorphin factory at full throttle!

Scientists have also noticed that the concentration of endorphin increases in people who caress their pups and those who eat chocolate. So it was not for nothing that Joan Rowling called chocolate the best cure for dementors, the monsters that suck happiness out of people.


Terrible tinnitus, dry tongue, shaky legs, padded knees, a pounding heartbeat: a familiar sensation? Okay, if that's how you'd react if you saw a crocodile in the woods, but if it was just Cole Sprouse having tea in your college cafeteria, that's fine?..

The problem is that adrenaline, the stress hormone, does not know the difference between crocodiles and Sprouse. So you're given the standard equipment for emergencies – a sudden increase in blood circulation and increased muscle readiness for a spurt.

And you're lucky, by the way. Adrenaline also knows how to give the command, "Anything extra – overboard!". Alas, the phrase "Girls pee their pants when they see it" is not an artistic metaphor.


It is often called the hormone of love, since it plays a very important role in the mechanism of desire for love. Oxytocin increases the tone of the uterus, causing a feeling of "sucking tenderness in the lower abdomen", as poetically expressed in some medical pamphlets. At the same time, it blocks the signals of anxiety and fear, but in parallel, according to some researchers, it decreases the ability to make critical judgments.

Oxytocin is even seriously suspected of being used for fraudulent manipulation. The victim who has received an injection of oxytocin under plausible pretext, for some time is inclined to trust almost unconditionally those around him, signing any necessary papers to malefactors. So, the expression "Love makes you stupid" has quite a scientific basis.


Even an hour without your beloved is agony? The suffering is so great that it is impossible to tolerate? The fact that love brings not only joy, but also pain, people have known for centuries, but only recently they found out exactly who is to blame. Dopamine (or dopamine) is a mysterious hormone produced by the adrenal glands. Usually we excrete it in quite moderate doses, and it quietly does its not yet well-studied work in the body.

But for some reason, at the moment of falling in love, it begins to rush into the body in increased quantities and becomes a kind of natural drug. It provokes dizziness and loss of sleep, makes it difficult to concentrate and, most importantly, is highly addictive.

The feeling of physical pain upon separation from your loved one, which no one in the world can replace, is not a poetic exaggeration, but a harsh reality.

Only we suffer not so much for the dearest person as for dopamine, which increases only in his company. "Addiction can go on for a month or two, after which the pain subsides… The good news is that exercise helps reduce dopamine addiction, so the gym is a panacea for heartbreak, as blasphemous as that sounds.

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