By now we all know what distinguishes an alpha man: masculinity, dominance, charisma, confidence… all of them alpha characteristics.
But there are some theories that suggest that actually there are two types of alpha, these two types of alpha on the one hand share some (many) characteristics but on the other differ in other characteristics.
So when we go to see what women like we notice that there are precisely the characteristics that are well connected and complement each other, others seem almost conflicting.
This obviously affects seduction, let's see how…
First of all we see these two types of alpha.
The leader
Imagine a woman in prehistoric times, in a tribe.
The smartest thing he could do to ensure his and his offspring's survival was to partner with the leader of the tribes, then the chieftain.
This in fact would lead to a number of advantages related precisely to the social position, perhaps better food, rights of precedence over certain resources, etc.. etc.
Such an alpha certainly had to have great social skills and the ability to take care of his tribe.
We can also see these alphas nowadays, I can think of some PR people who are very good in the social field.
There is, however, another kind of alpha…
You know the appeal of certain movie characters, those adventurous characters and unknown past?
This kind of charm is related to a type of alpha who was not the leader of the tribe, but who still managed to create attraction in women.
It is precisely the man who in prehistory was not the leader, but the traveler, the one who moved, the one who arrived in the tribe from who knows what distant places.
The question that arises is "What benefit could this type of man have brought to a woman"?"
The benefit in this case is something very special, and it is a benefit brought not so much to the woman herself, when to her offspring.
So the benefit of such a man was the new genes he offered!
Think of a small tribe, round and round the genes that people joined having children were always the same.
This could be very dangerous for reasons related to sex between close relatives that as we all know can lead to conceive children with serious problems.
But above all it is also a matter of diseases, new genes can lead to immune systems more prepared towards different types of diseases, therefore more chances of survival.
Consequently the carrier of these new genes brought genetic variety, therefore greater ability to fight new diseases.
Two disclaimers need to be made here:
1. Obviously it was not enough and it is not enough that a man is new to a group, he must also have many other characteristics of the alpha to create attraction.
2. There is no clear division between the two, the leader can be a little bit adventurer and the adventurer a little bit leader.
But what does all this entail for us?
In simple terms: a woman likes the basic characteristics that all alphas have, but you can be either one or the other.
Think of a woman in a company of people, she will be fascinated by the leader of the group but she will also be fascinated by the new guy she meets and this also explains the charm of the man who approaches coldly.
At this point the choice is yours: what kind of alpha do you want to be mainly?