There is a way for thendirecting behavior others and getting the best out of others, and that is positive:

  • for youWhy do you "get" the best behaviors from people?
  • for othersbecause they give the best of themselves

People don't always behave the same way, there are times when they behave in ways that we judge as positive and others in ways that we judge as negative.

You have to understand, of course, based on what we judge these behaviors to be? Or rather: from what point of view?

Assuming that a happy and fulfilling life is a good thing.

And then?

So for example if you're dating someone and they behave badly, for example they get irritated at all, or they respond badly to people or they keep complaining… these behaviors are bad for both you and her, always assuming a happy life because if we see what's best for a lousy life, well, … then these behaviors are just fine.

So: there's a way to direct other people's behavior, and to do it not only for your own sake, but also for the sake of others.

The purpose of this method is to bring value to others (push them to behave in positive ways) and at the same time, as a consequence, bring value to yourself!

You can do it with a woman just met, With one with you've been trying for a while, with friends, with your girlfriend and even with men, although it works much better on women.

To understand this method well you must have read the previous article, and now let's see what to do.

What to do in practice

How many times have you received some congratulations for How you used to behave in certain situations, So compliments regarding your actions?

People often don't do any of these, or only do them in business or school settings, and that's a shame because compliments are a terrific way to direct the behavior of others.


Why people are always looking for approval, women in particular. Now let's take women as an example, but the method applies to men as well.

Women live on validation, they spend hours in front of the mirror to make themselves beautiful and for whom? For others? haha Let's not bullshit, they're definitely not good Samaritans .

They wear makeup, dress nicely, comb their hair to be Looked at, admired, appreciated and therefore, in one word, approved of.

The point is that they are often approved of for their beauty, and very rarely appreciated for their behavior.

In fact, let me elaborate: they are also appreciated for their behavior, but men usually don't compliment them on that, so they don't communicate their approval to them in that way.

Now imagine you are dating a woman and, doing the exercise from the previous article, notice some things you like about her, things that about your behavior.

From the moment you tell her, she will be much more inclined to do it again, because she wants your approval.


if you like a woman's behavior and want her to act that way often, compliment her and push her to do it again.

Guys, this is so simple I'm almost embarrassed to have to explain it! But then if it's so simple, why doesn't anyone do it? 🙁

Among other things, it works great and creates attraction because in this way you make original and targeted compliments.

In addition, you show that you're good at noticing things about her, and that drives women crazy, I bet skittish can attest to it.

Here are some examples of compliments

"I really like you when you're so sunny."

"I like the bubbly way you approach your days."

"I've noticed how you are always kind and courteous to everyone, it's a rare gift."

"You have a very expressive way of telling things, when you do this you capture all the attention of others."

"You know, I really respect you, not everyone would be able to behave like this in this situation."

"There, when you bend your head to the side like that you really have a sly look, I really like that."

The great thing is that you're not only doing good for you, but you're doing good for her too because you're pushing her towards more positive behaviors, motivating her to do her best.

If you're wondering if the same thing applies to pointing out negative behaviors to her, the answer is NO, at least the thing isn't so linear.

We'll definitely talk about this but for now focus on the positive, because remember you can often use the positive to decrease a negative behavior.

If for example a girl sometimes complains and other times takes things with a smile, complimenting her when she takes things with a smile her behavior will deviate towards the positive, decreasing the times when she behaves negatively. 😉

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