So guys, many of you have asked us how to meet girls on Instagram.

So I'll preface this by saying: I understand that when you spend so much time on social media and know little or nothing about what are the seductive dynamics, That of meeting girls on social may seem like a good idea.

Unfortunately however there is nothing more wrong and now let's see why.

Meeting girls on Instagram is wrong

First of all what we are going to see is true if you are not an Instagram star, a Gianluca Vacchi or an Instagram influencer.

If this is your situation instead, and you have a big follower base, in the most absolute way getting to know girls on Instagram is perfectly fine, but the plain truth is that most of you will have a profile with very few followers and maybe even follows more people than he does.

"Why this is a problem?" – You might be wondering.

Why women on Instagram are bombarded with validation from parts of beta males.

If you are presented with yet another undifferentiated profile you are no more or less than a number. One of many.

You are also not fodder for the slaughter.

What's more, trying to get to know her on Instagram signals:

  • Who you are desperate and lack of other options.
  • That you are socially inept, otherwise you would understand that the proper place online to know girls are dating sites and apps and that Instagram should be used for other purposes.
  • That you are socially incompetent Because you don't understand that Instagram has a very low rate of return and therefore you should know the girl in person. There is a huge disproportion between your value and her value.

Etc, etc, etc… Simply put, you pass as a desperate wanker.

So Instagram we flush it right down the toilet in our interactions with women and don't think about it anymore?

Absolutely not. However, what you want to understand is that Instagram, as well as Facebook, is nothing more than a Marketing window, your Marketing.

In other words Instagram you don't need to know the girl but it takes over when you already know the girl and, at this point, if you do the work to optimize Instagram, can become a great showcase to show the girl your value in an indirect way.

Show value through Instagram

Why this is important?

Usually, when we pick up doing cold approach we are forced to force the hand by making follow up and this is not ideal, although sometimes we have to. For example we send a picture to a girl to rekindle the chat and in that picture we show something that gives us value.

Despite the fact that this is sometimes necessary, it's actually a bit of a stretch try hard, i.e. you are trying too hard.

Instagram instead gives us the opportunity to show the girl the our value in an indirect way in that, if from its part there is an interest at least minimal, she will go to spy what is the your lifestyle on Instagram.

In practice Instagram allows us to show our value without showing that we are trying, in fact the profile was already there and existed before the existence of the girl.

Finally, if you do so much work to optimize Instagram, there may even come a time when it is worth exchange Instagram instead of the phone number.

But in any case you always have to know the girl first in person or online and use Instagram only afterwards.

If you want to deepen the topic and know how to best use social in seduction, I have created a specific course called Social Media King.

See you soon,


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