What kind of love are you feeling?

When you have strong positive feelings for someone, it can sometimes be hard to categorize them right away. You may not be sure if you consider someone a close friend or a romantic interest, or you may wonder what the boundaries are between friends and grounded family.

Romantic love

Romantic love is a strong positive feeling for another person, usually but not always associated with sexual desire. If you feel romantic love for another person, you may want to date them, get to know them better, and become physically intimate. Later on, you may even want to date or marry her. Romantic love can take many different forms and may look different to different people.

Platonic love

Platonic love refers to love between friends, in which there is no sexual component. While we often think of romantic love as one of the strongest forms of love, platonic love can be just as intense and complicated. If you feel platonic love for another person, you may want to become closer friends, spend a lot of time together, or even become roommates. Some people have many strong platonic friendships, while other people may only have a handful of very close friends.

Family love

Family love refers to the love between family members. While not all families are close, familial love can form incredibly strong bonds between parents and children, siblings, and other extended family members. Even if you don't have a close bond with your family, however, you can still feel familial love for your found or chosen family. While familial love and platonic love can sometimes overlap, familial love often transcends personal differences and is shaped by family experiences and traditions.

Your relationship is healthy?

If you are confused about a romantic, platonic, or familial relationship, you may be wondering whether or not your relationship is healthy or what you can do to make it more effective. You may also find yourself in an abusive relationship and not be sure if your relationship is normal or not. Healthy relationships can have tremendous benefits for your mental and physical health. While every relationship is different, there are some common elements that indicate a healthy relationship.


Every healthy relationship should be supportive and encouraging, even during difficult times. If you are in a supportive relationship, your friend, partner, or family member should be cheering you on to overcome obstacles and supporting you when things don't go your way. Supportive loved ones will encourage you even when they don't fully understand your hobbies or passions. A healthy relationship makes you feel valued and supported in everything you do.


Although every relationship is different, openness is an important factor in determining whether or not your relationship is healthy. When you are open with each other in a relationship, you share important things, even if it is sometimes difficult to talk about them. Keep no secrets and try to communicate your thoughts and feelings as openly as possible. Also, you are open about your relationship to the world and don't feel the need to hide your friendship or romantic relationship.


Healthy relationships are built on a foundation of respect and love. Respectful friends, partners, and family members don't belittle, insult, or tease you. They will also give you the space you need and respect your desire for privacy and independence. Instead of trying to control you, they will give you the freedom to make your own decisions and support you along the way.

What kind of love are you looking for?

When you have strong emotions toward another person, it can sometimes be difficult to decide what you want your relationship with them to be like. Whether you're trying to pursue someone romantically, become best friends, or get closer to your family members, it's important to think about what you want that relationship to look like in the future.

Develop a romantic connection

If you're trying to develop a romantic connection with another person, you should make sure you're doing it for the right reasons. While the first rush of romantic love can be intense and overwhelming, it's important to consider entering into a potential romantic relationship with a clear mind. Consider what you like about this person and how you envision your relationship together.

While rejection is never fun, you should also be prepared for the possibility that this person may not be interested in a romantic relationship with you at that time. If you decide to express your feelings of love, be sure to do so in a way that is respectful and leaves the other person the opportunity to say no.

Deepening a friendship

Platonic love can often be just as intense as romantic love, especially in the early stages of a relationship. If you find yourself overwhelmed with positive platonic feelings for another person, you may want to deepen your relationship with your friend.

As with romantic relationships, deepening a relationship too quickly can sometimes end badly, especially when intense emotions are involved. If you're looking to further develop your friendship, make sure your friend feels the same way. Try going out together, spending time doing hobbies and activities, and learning more about them. As in romantic relationships, spending time together should always be fun for both people, and you should always respect any boundaries your friend might set.

Strengthen relationships with family

Maybe you're already very close to your family, or maybe you'd like to develop a stronger relationship with them. Relationships with family members can be rich and rewarding, but they can also present unique challenges. If you're looking to deepen a relationship with a family member, focus on the good times and common interests rather than the bad things that happened in the past.

Although getting closer to your family is usually a good thing, it's still important to make sure your relationships are healthy and independent. It's a good idea to set clear boundaries with family members and make sure you're not becoming codependent on each other. It is also normal for your closeness to your family to come and go as you grow and change as a person.

How to express love

If you are feeling strong positive emotions for another person, you may not be sure how to express them without embarrassing yourself. You can express your love for others in a variety of ways, from simple gestures to lasting commitments.

Spend time together

One of the easiest ways to express and deepen love is to simply spend time together. Try new activities together, share a meal, or even just go for a walk. Time and shared experiences will help you show your loved one that you care and help strengthen the foundation of your relationship.

Tell them your feelings

If you know that your feelings of love will be received positively, one of the easiest ways to express love is to confess your feelings to another person. Don't be afraid to tell people you love them, even though it can be a little awkward at times.

Love and support them

Sometimes, all you have to do to show your love to others is to support them through small, everyday actions. Whether that means sending a care package to a friend, taking a loved one out to dinner, or even just taking out the trash, small acts of kindness can go a long way toward expressing your love.

Feeling confused about love? If you are entering a relationship, wondering whether or not your relationship is healthy, or trying to deepen and strengthen your love for another person, love can often be confusing and fraught with frustrations and difficulties. At the same time, however, love can be an incredibly rewarding experience and is critical to our health and well-being. Confusion about love is incredibly common, whether you're heartbroken over a potential partner or simply unsure of how to express your feelings.

If you are experiencing uncertainty when it comes to love and romance, one of the most effective solutions is to try to reflect on your feelings, wants, and needs. Practice spending some time in introspective thinking, investigating what you really think about other people and what you want your relationships to be like. While introspection can sometimes be scary or unpleasant, it reaps real rewards in terms of self-knowledge and the ability to better understand yourself and others.

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