Love means putting someone else before you

It is said that before loving someone else, you must first love yourself. This might be an oversimplification, but the reality is that if you're not comfortable in your own skin, then you might have a hard time opening up to a person and trusting them. Once you get to that point, it's very special. It's a sign of maturity on your part when you're able to tell your loved one anything, and you know they'll be with you without judging you.

There is one step, when it comes to love, that is even further than this, however. It's when you reach the point where you're willing to put your partner's wants and needs before your own. There are many forms this can take. Some of it may not mean much, like letting your spouse or partner have the last slice of pizza. It might mean allowing him to choose which movie you're going to see or letting him choose which restaurant you're going to try.

These are seemingly small things, but they add up. By doing things for your partner, you show how much you care about them. They should appreciate it and reciprocate. This is how relationships last, and how you let us know that the love is still there, even after being together for many years.

More serious things you can do to show that you care

In addition to things like restaurant and movie choices, there's another level of ways you can show your partner how you feel about them. In this category, there might be some things you don't necessarily want to do, but are willing to do anyway because you know how much it will mean to the person you love.

For example, you might not want to work an overtime shift at your job, but you accept it because you know your family needs the money. Your partner will recognize when you do things like this, and in a healthy relationship, then they will appreciate your thoughtfulness. They'll see that you're putting them and your family first, and that means a lot.

Maybe you don't get along with in-laws or other relatives who are an integral part of your loved one's family. Your partner knows you'd rather not spend the vacations with these people, but you've put your feelings aside because you know they'll enjoy it.

You could pick up your loved one when they left their car at the store rather than forcing them to take public transportation. If they are exhausted from work, then you could cook a gourmet meal for them and entertain the kids while they relax. If they call you on your cell phone and say that their vehicle has a flat tire, you could jump into action to help them fix it. If they give you a list of chores to do around the house, you may not always want to handle them on your day off from work, but you're still eager to do it because you know it's something they want.

There are many more examples along these lines, but you get the idea. Throughout your days together, you are showing time after time that you are willing to sacrifice for your partner. You're ready to sacrifice your time for them, or your attention, or whatever else is necessary for them to be happy. It's these little things that mean as much as any birthday or anniversary gift you might buy for them, and hopefully they won't take your efforts for granted.

The highest expressions of affection

There are even more things you can do to show your loved one that you care about them, though. This level is beyond anything we mentioned above. One of the best examples is when you have to take care of your loved one if they become seriously ill. Perhaps your loved one contracts a form of cancer that requires chemotherapy. This will involve you driving them to and from the doctor and hospital facilities, probably many, many times. They may contract some other illness that leaves them incapacitated. He or she may need surgery for which you will have to modify your house or apartment to accommodate him or her.

It is also possible that your loved one may contract an illness that causes him to lose control of his bodily functions to the point that you will have to clean up his waste. You may have to change their catheter or clean up after them if they can't keep their food down. The struggle for life is sometimes unpleasant. You show through your actions in these situations far more eloquently than words how dedicated you are to someone you love.


Organ Donation

In some circumstances, one of your loved ones may have an organ that is failing. If you can contribute one of your own, then you might do so, even if it presents some risk to your life. Being willing to go under the knife for your loved one is truly one of the bravest and noblest things you can do. It also shows them, without a shadow of a doubt, that you love them and would do anything for them.

In time, you may need to do these things

These might seem like extreme examples, and for a pair of lovers in their teens, they probably seem almost inconceivable. At that point, you feel invincible, like you have your whole life ahead of you. The reality is, however, that health problems can come at any time, so you should cherish the time you have together. It may be sooner than you expect that you'll have to prove your love in much more serious ways than you ever imagined.

At the same time, even if you reach old age with your loved one, and you both remain relatively healthy, toward the end of life you or they will inevitably have some health problems. It's not pleasant to think about, but the human body is like a vehicle. At an advanced age, systems break down, and it is rare the person who never experiences any problems and dies in their bed without having to deal with some degree of infirmity.

When you have health issues, your loved one can show their devotion by taking care of you, and you can do the same by taking care of them. These forms of sacrifice are the most profound. It's a type of love that may end up defining your final years together.

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Show your love throughout your life together

The best thing you can do as far as your love for each other is to make small sacrifices every day. You don't necessarily have to think about them that way if you prefer not to. You can think of it more along the lines of helping each other and allowing the other person to feel fulfilled. If neither of you ever has to make a monumental sacrifice for the other, then that's great. It means you've both been lucky. However, it's best to be realistic and understand that at some point, you may need to be prepared to go beyond anything you've ever done before.

You need to talk to someone about a sacrifice you're making?

While it's noble and admirable to sacrifice for your loved one, it's rarely an easy thing to do when the toughest decisions come along. Perhaps you are caring for someone who is very ill and are sacrificing your time, energy, and perhaps even your financial resources to try to make them feel better. If you want to talk to someone about it, you can contact a qualified mental health professional. It's good to explain to someone what's going on and talk about your feelings. Sacrifice is a beautiful thing, but no one ever said it was easy.

Recent research has shown that online therapy can help people who are experiencing difficult emotions, including those arising from relationships. In an extensive study published in World Psychiatry, Researchers examined the effects of online therapy, specifically cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). They concluded that online therapy is a more affordable, but equally effective alternative to in-person therapy. Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps participants replace intrusive thoughts that can underlie harmful behaviors and interactions, such as problems with making sacrifices in relationships.

As mentioned above, online psychotherapy can help you address a variety of concerns that may arise from mental health or relationship issues. Because you can participate in distance therapy, treatment through Serenis is often more private. You won't have to worry about running into someone you know or discussing your treatment with someone other than your therapist. Serenis mental health professionals know how to give you the tools to build healthier relationships.


Ultimately, love is the driving force behind many of the most selfless actions people take. You can demonstrate this in ways big and small, and the longer you're with someone, the more opportunities you have to do so. During the time you spend together, the love you have will grow. All the sacrifices and good things you've made for each other will form the intricate tapestry of your shared history.

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