What is seduction? What the term "seduction" means?

Let's make it clear from the start: seduction is nothing negative.

Because it is true, some may give a negative meaning to the term, there may be misunderstandings.

In the first place the term "seduction"can be seen as something obscure, not very clear.

Secondly the term "seduction techniques" can be misunderstood.

Because in fact it is true: someone reading about the existence of seduction techniques might think of something manipulative.

So, again, let's be clear from the get-go.

Seduction NOT รจ:

Manipulate womenManipulating a woman means to make her perform actions against her will, or "cheat" her. It is a form of psychological violence against women and SeductionAttraction.com is against any form of violence.

Fooling women: fooling a woman means cheating her, making her believe something false in order to get her into bed. SeductionAttraction.com instead explains how find the best part of yourself and show it without fear.

Making women suffer: seduction MUST bring pleasure to the man and the woman.

Seeing women from the top downWomen are on the same social level as men.


Women are wonderful creatures who bring joy into our lives.

The problem arises from the fact that we have taken "no" and this has made us feel bad, or someone has made fun of us, or we have courted a woman for a long time and then she broke our hearts … and then sometimes we instinctively hurl against them and think that they are heartless "bitches", and we treat them badly for revenge, as if the whole female gender was responsible for someone who made us suffer.

These behaviors are understandable but not acceptable.

Let's see now what is seduction.

Seduction is:

Giving pleasure to both: both the man and the woman must feel pleasure in the seduction process (To be precise: it is the woman who feels more pleasure because genetically predisposed to do so)

Bring value in the life of a person: to bring value I mean something that can range from looking at a woman making her feel beautiful, to bring joy in her life in more complex and deep forms.

Getting a woman excited: There is not a woman who does not get up in the morning and dream of meeting a man who makes her deeply moved. The man, by his nature, takes pleasure in doing so.

Showing yourself for what you are without shameMany men are ashamed of what they are and their instincts. If they like a woman, they'll do anything to keep it out of sight, but it's nothing to be ashamed of, on the contrary!!!

"Dance together": no, not "dancing" in the literal sense (although certainly seduction can take place while dancing ), instead I mean that when a mutual seduction is taking place between two people it is as if these people were dancing, as if they were dancing together each following the movements of the other in a constant movement that leads more and more to mutual attraction , finally, to passion.

Seduction therefore is a process, a process by which we give each other value. It's some splendid thing… and a lot of fun ?

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