Every one of us, at least once in our lives, has wanted to post a picture online with erotic overtones. There are many reasons for this: some people lack attention, others want to improve self-esteem, and others are eager to show off their beautiful bodies to their friends. But more often than not, guys who are against such means of self-expression get in the way of a thousand likes and comments. So today we're going to talk about how to behave in a situation like this and give you some personal advice.

1. Analyze: a guy only forbids you to post pictures or a bunch of other things?

The first thing you have to figure out for yourself is the guy's motive ♪ care or tyranny ♪? We advise you to pay special attention to what advice your boyfriend gives you. If in addition to banning you from posting pictures, he also checks your phone, monitors your appearance and is jealous of every pole… It sounds like you're in a toxic relationship, girl. Under such supervision most often hides a tyrannical person who is not worth anything to start acting aggressively in your direction. So take off the rose-colored glasses and analyze his behavior.

2. Talk to the guy

Of course, you'll have to talk about it. You need to clearly understand why he is so against you posting a picture with a slight hint of erotica. A pretty picture isn't cheating, it's a way to express yourself. If he won't let you express yourself, you should know what the real reason is. Maybe your prince has self-esteem issues and instead of being proud of you, he wants to hide you away. And that's not your problem.

Alternatively, you could ask him to participate in a photo shoot with you. Only advised to do it if you are sure that your love is forever (every month a new guy in the photo – would not be good). The important point is that if the person trusts you and is sure that you won't betray them, then there shouldn't be too many questions. Really, you have to consider his age. Young guys are very possessive and overly suspicious. That's why Be calm and tolerant when discussing it.

3. Face the truth

Maybe it's not tyranny after all, and your boyfriend really wants to keep you out of the mud. After all, if your Instagram looks obscene, and there is nothing else in it except photos of bums and bust, then the lover's concerns are justified.

Think about the fact that pictures on the Internet go viral very quickly, and Your reputation may suffer in the future because of an innocent card. Plus, your mom might accidentally break into your account and give you a hard time. So do whatever you want, but think about the consequences. Answer the question, "What does a person think when he visits my profile??" or ask his loved ones. We're sure you'll quickly realize the weaknesses and strengths of your profile. And remember, there's nothing wrong with erotic photos if they're a highlight of your account, not a regular part of it. The "all out" trend will lower your status, despite the number of likes.

In short, if you love and respect the man who is near you, if his feelings are important to you, then you still have to listen to it.

4. Don't confuse vulgarity and eroticism

When we discuss photos on the Internet, it's important not to be vulgar. Look at how famous bloggers take similar photos, try doing something similar. If at first it does not work – no big deal, everything comes with experience. It might make sense to save up some money and pay a photographer for a beautiful photo shoot. Then you will definitely be able to conquer your subscribers.

5. Be yourself

The most important thing is to be yourself. Don't try to be sexy if it's not your thing. And don't play coy if you're not. Be natural and people will reach out to you.

But remember, somewhere on the shutters of the Net, your mom is sure to score your name in a search. So our top tip: Do not do things on the Internet that you would be ashamed of. So your body is your business.

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